Education and Training
Module Title/Topic: Educate Alabama
Timeframe: One year
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Event: Teach and Train FCCLA STAR Event Competition.
Sponsor of Event:
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Overview/Annotation: The career cluster of Education and Training prepares learners for careers in planning, managing, providing education and training services and related learning support systems.
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Essential Question(s):
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Content Standard(s):
Alabama Courses of Standards:
Education and Training
3. Explain the impact of goal-setting, teamwork, and required skills in the field of education.
• Recognizing the importance of FCCLA programs to the field of education
10. Analyze characteristics of teachers, administrators, and professional support personnel for effectiveness in the educational system.
11. Describe effective communication skills required in the teaching, administration, and professional support services professions.
12. Determine steps utilized in the teaching and learning processes.
13. Describe an environment conducive to learning.
14. Analyze learning styles and teaching methods to determine impact on student achievement.
20. Analyze career options, credentials, and entrepreneurial opportunities related to the field of education.
Teaching I
3. Demonstrate motivational techniques used to enhance student achievement at various grade levels.
4. Determine characteristics of a positive learning environment.
5. Assess interests and needs of students to determine instructional goals, objectives, and teaching strategies.
7. Describe learning and developmental theories relative to individual student characteristics.
8. Determine teaching strategies needed to meet instructional goals and to address educational initiatives.
16. Describe steps in curriculum development.
Examples: conducting research, planning of instruction, presenting lessons, evaluating instruction, revising instructional plans
17. Develop scope and sequence charts, course outlines, unit plans, and lesson plans.
18. Practice teaching a lesson plan.
19. Recognize characteristics of professionalism in the educational workplace.
Teaching II
1. Develop a personal philosophy of education.
4. Describe motivational techniques that enhance student achievement.
6. Determine classroom management strategies used at various grade levels.
7. Develop scope and sequence charts, course outlines, unit plans, and lesson plans for a specific subject matter and grade level.
8. Practice teaching a lesson plan for a specific subject and grade level.
9. Design instructional resources for a specific subject and grade level to meet specific instructional goals and educational initiatives.
18. Analyze career options and entrepreneurial opportunities related to the teaching field.
Education and Training Internship
4. Develop units of instruction, including the preparation of lesson plans.
5. Demonstrate teaching, including the use of equipment, technology, and supplies used in the instructional program.
6. Evaluate classroom management procedures and the learning climate.
7. Formulate ways to meet needs of diverse student populations.
8. Demonstrate integration of curriculum and instruction to meet student developmental needs and interests.
9. Describe desirable teacher characteristics, including exhibiting poise, self-confidence, initiative, and enthusiasm while teaching.
10. Develop an internship portfolio.
17. Analyze the field of education for career options, entrepreneurial opportunities, and required credentials.
Connection to National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences:
4.0 Education and Early Childhood
Comprehensive Standard: Integrate knowledge, skills, and practices required for careers in education, and services.
Content Standards/Competencies
4.1 Analyze career paths within education & related services.
4.3.1 Apply and Analyze a variety of curriculum and instructional modules
AAFCS Education Fundamentals-Content Standards
Domain 1: The Teaching Profession
Competency 1A: Examine roles, functions, and education and training requirements of individuals engaged in education careers.
1.A.1 Career portfolios
1.A.3 Multiple roles of educators
1.A.4 Professional responsibilities of those engaged in education careers
1.A.5 Field experiences
1.A.6 Observations
1.A.7 Education and training required for education careers
Competency 1B: Explain personal characteristics, abilities, knowledge, and skills needed to work in education careers.
1.B.1 Dispositions of individuals working in education careers
1.B.4 Professional attitudes and behaviors
Domain 2: The Learner and the Learning Process
Competency 2A: Apply learning theories and principles to learners.
2.A.1 Cognitive theory Piaget
2.A.2 Cognitive theory - Vygotsky
2.A.3 Behavioral theory: Thorndike and Skinner
2.A.4 Social learning theory - Bandura
2.A.5 Psychosocial theory: Erikson
2.A.6 Domains of learning (i.e., cognitive, affective, psychomotor)
2.A.7 Learning modalities
Competency 2B: Examine how effective teaching practices accommodate learning styles, learning differences, and special needs.
2.B.1Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence
2.B.2 Learning disabilities
2.B.3 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
2.B.4 Dyslexia
2.B.5 Educational accommodations and modifications
2.B.6 Inclusion
Competency 2C: Explain how language, culture, and educational background affect learning and schools.
2.C.1 Multicultural education
2.C.2 Diversity
2.C.3 “At –Risk” Students
2.C.4 Bilingual education
2.C.5 English language learners (ELL)
2.C.6 Impact of socioeconomic status on education
Competency E: Determine management strategies that promote positive student behavior while engaging students in learning.
2.E.1 Gender equity
2.E.2 Student discipline
2.E.3 Classroom management styles
2.E.4 Arrangement of physical space to promote learning
2.E.5 Classroom atmosphere and environment
Competency 2F: Explain how schedules, activities, routines, and transitions promote learning.
2.F.1 Establishing routines and schedules
2.F.2 Instructional transitions
2.F.3 Cooperative learning strategies
2.F.4 Activity-based learning
Domain 3: Planning Instruction
Competency 3A: Describe curriculum and instruction models.
3.A.1 Constructivism
3.A.2 Direct vs. indirect instruction
3.A.3 Cooperative learning
3.A.4 Lesson plan formats
3.A.5 Curriculum scope and sequence
3.A.6 Thematic curricula
3.A.7 Integration of subject matter
3.A.8 Interdisciplinary instruction
Competency 3B: Establish instructional goals that are developmentally appropriate.
3.B.1 Performance and learning objectives
3.B.2 Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (i.e., Bloom’s and Revised Bloom’s Taxonomies)
3.B.3 National curriculum or content standards
3.B.4 Domains of learning
Competency 3C: Develop organizational and managerial skills that enhance professionalism.
3.C.1 Course, unit, and daily lesson planning
3.C.2 Professional development
3.C.3 Mentoring
3.C.4 Collaborative teaching
3.C.5 Technology use in the classroom
Competency 3E: Apply principles and elements of effective instruction and assessment.
3.E.1 Differentiated instruction
3.E.2 Drill and practice
3.E.3 Mastery
3.E.4 Reteaching
3.E.5 Developmentally appropriate practices
3.E.6 Observations
Domain 4: Learning Environment
Competency 4A: Determine classroom management procedures that support learning.
4.A.1 Teacher proximity
4.A.2 Teacher-student relationships
4.A.3 Danielson’s Framework for Teaching
4.A.4 Positive reinforcement
4.A.5 Behavioral consequences
4.A.6 Authentic learning experiences
4.A.7 Higher-order thinking skills
4.A.8 Guidance and discipline
4.A.9 Classroom rules
4.A.10 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
Competency 4B: Analyze how materials, furnishings, and other resources create safe and effective instructional environments.
4.B.1 Creating an appropriate learning environment
4.B.2 Classroom management procedures and styles
4.B.3 Managing physical space in the classroom
4.B.4 Classroom organization and safety
4.B.5 Accessibility issues, regulations, and legislation
Domain 5: Assessment and Instructional Strategies
Competency 5A: Examine how a variety of teaching strategies impact student learning.
5.A.1 Factors to consider in selecting teaching strategies
5.A.2 Lectures and illustrated lectures (i.e., selection, use, and impact on learning)
5.A.3 Role plays (i.e., selection, use, and impact on learning)
5.A.4 Demonstrations (i.e., selection, use, and impact on learning)
5.A.5 Case studies (i.e., selection, use, and impact on learning)
5.A.6 Simulations and experiential learning (i.e., selection, use, and impact on learning)
5.A.7 Discussion (i.e., selection, use, and impact on learning)
5.A.8 Use and integration of co-curricular student organizations
Competency 5B: Examine purposes of and apply techniques for assessing student learning.
5.B.1 Purposes of assessment
5.B.2 Formal assessment (i.e., purpose, examples, and implementation)
5.B.3 Informal assessment (i.e., purpose, examples, and implementation)
5.B.4 Formative assessment (i.e., purpose, examples, and implementation)
5.B.5 Summative assessment (i.e., purpose, examples, and implementation)
5.B.6 Diagnostic assessment (i.e., purpose, examples, and implementation)
5.B.7 Authentic assessment (i.e., purpose, examples, and implementation)
5.B.8 Portfolio assessments
Competency 5E: Integrate technology as a tool for instruction, evaluation, and management.
5.E.1 Applications of technology in teaching and learning
5.E.2 Acceptable Use Policies (AUP)
5.E.3 Digital divide
5.E.4 Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
5.E.5 Selecting reliable Internet resources
5.E.6 Student safety on the Internet
Competency 5F: Demonstrate discussion and questioning techniques that promote critical thinking and problem solving.
5.F.1 Higher order thinking skills
5.F.2 Factual type questions
5.F.3 Hypothetical type questions
5.F.4 Asking appropriate questions
5.F.5 Discussion and questioning techniques
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Materials, Equipment, and Technology Resources:
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Assessment Strategies (Product-Performance or Problem-Based):
Portfolio, Oral Presentation, Shadow Experience Paper, Career Exploration and Self-Assessment Summary, Lesson/Workshop Plan, Documentation of Prior Presentations and Outcomes
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Credential/Certificate/Award (If applicable):
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