Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Education and Training Contests

Education and Training teachers be sure to join both FCCLA and FTA this year.  We would like to have you all participate in the “Grow Our Own” competitions (Lesson Plan/Video contest and Teacher Notebook and Display contests) and the FCCLA STAR Event Teach and Train competition this year.  They are great projects that could easily be incorporated into the curriculum/everyday lesson plans. 

The deadline for the FTA/Teach Alabama “Grow Our Own” competition is January 15, 2013.  Students who win one of these competitions will be invited to attend a State Board of Education Meeting to receive a Resolution from the State Board.  They will also be invited to a luncheon at the AEA Building in Montgomery and Receive a Resolution from the Governor of Alabama.  

The Teach and Train FCCLA STAR Event will be held on March 16, 2013.  The winner from this event will have to opportunity to compete at the FCCLA National level.  Winners at the National level will have the opportunity to receive the following:

  • May receive a gold, silver, or bronze metal depending on points scored.
  • A $1000.00 Nasco scholarship may be received by one gold metal winner, after the winner applies and wins the scholarship.
  • A $500.00 Nasco gift certificate will be awarded to the teacher of the student who wins the Nasco scholarship.
Please visit the FCCLA website at http://fcclainc.org/content/fccla/ or http://fccla.com/assets/files/pdf/star_events/CompEvents_Guide.pdf  to get the details on the Teach and Train competitive event.

Education and Training - SudokuMe Lite iPad App

SudokuMe Lite is an iPad app.  It can be used with any age group.  It may be used to teach math concepts such as number recognition, problem solving, critical thinking, statistics, averages, percentages, and etc.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Teachers' Best Ideas for Combating Obesity Can Earn Rewards and Recognition From 'ENC-Teacher Exchange'

August 23, 2012, Park Ridge, IL--Nutrition educators and physical education teachers that have fresh ideas for helping students K thru 12 combat obesity, or have an existing program that has proven effective, are invited to share their concepts with ENC-Teacher Exchange for a chance to earn a $500 honorarium or national recognition.

Egg Nutrition Center (ENC), science division of The American Egg Board in Park Ridge, Ill., introduced ENC-Teacher Exchange (encteacher.org) this year to spotlight the best ideas developed by teachers to reverse the childhood obesity epidemic in America. ENC will award a $500 honorarium to a select number of teachers who submit new ideas or successful existing programs that are featured on the ENC-Teacher Exchange web site.  Separately, a handful of schools with the most innovative programs will be featured in a video story that will appear on the ENC-Teacher Exchange web site and on SchoolTube.com.

Teachers are invited to join ENC-Teacher Exchange online at no charge to receive E-mail notification when new videos, lesson plans or other easily replicated teaching tools for combating obesity are announced.  
Follow the above links for more information.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Spelling/Vocabulary iPad Apps for Education and Training

Text Twirl, WordJewelsXL, Worcle, and Whirly Word are free iPad apps for teachers who teach in the Education and Training Cluster.  They are games that may be used to teach spelling and vocabulary to elementary, middle, and high school students.  When students come across a word they are not familiar with, then they may look up the definition to the word.