Thursday, April 26, 2012

Summer Conference-Registration Update

FACS Teachers,

To pre-register for the Summer Conference before the final pre-registration deadline of May 1, 2012, please go to the Alabama Association of Career and Technical Education Web site.   Registration fees for AACTE members is $200.00 and $400.00 for non-members if postmarked on or before May 1, 2012. The conference registration fee increases to $500.00 on May 2, 2012 for everyone.

The Sheraton Hotel Birmingham is the official conference hotel. For reservation information, please click on the following link to go directly to the hotel reservation site to take advantage of the conference room rate of $119.00 plus tax per night for single through quad occupancy. The deadline to make reservations is May 20, 2012.

This information was provides by Ann Gilmore, Executive Director, Alabama ACTE

Friday, April 20, 2012

Perkins Blueprint Webinar

You are invited to please send any questions/comments about the Blueprint to CTE Blueprint.
In addition, please mark your calendars for Wednesday, April, 25, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Central time, for an interactive Webinar to engage in a dialogue about the core principles of the Blueprint and the transformation of career and technical education.  Details are below:

Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Time: 4:00 PM, Central Time

To join the Webinar, take these steps on the 25th at the desinated time:
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: OVAE
4. Click "Join".

In addition, to hear the discussion, you will need to dial in using your telephone:
Call-in number: 1-800-857-9754
Pass Cod: 24009

Perkins Blueprint Release

Today, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and OVAE Assistant Secretary Brenda Dann-Messier are in Iowa, at Des Moines Area Community College, unveiling the Department’s latest Blueprint, Investing in America’s Future: Transforming Career and Technical Education, for the reauthorization of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, last reauthorized in 2006.  This blueprint is based on four core principles:

(1) Alignment. Effective alignment between high-quality CTE programs and labor market needs to equip students with 21st-century skills and prepare them for in-demand occupations in high-growth industry sectors;

(2) Collaboration. Strong collaborations among secondary and postsecondary institutions, employers, and industry partners to improve the quality of CTE programs;
(3) Accountability. Meaningful accountability for improving academic outcomes and building technical and employability skills in CTE programs for all students, based upon common definitions and clear metrics for performance; and
(4) Innovation. Increased emphasis on innovation supported by systemic reform of state policies and practices to support CTE implementation of effective practices at the local level.

To read a full version of the document click Blueprint and click here to view the summary .

Utah Education Network (UEN)

The UEN Web page contains materials for both high school and middles school classroom instructional resources.  Examples of what you will find are FACS lesson plans, curriculum guides, teaching strategies, and assessement/evaluation questions.  I hope you find this site helpful.  This information was shared by Pearl Hart, CFCS, Family and Consumer Sciences Education Specialist, Utah State Office of Education.  Thank you, Pearl.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Marketing Your FACS Program

Marketing Your FACS Program, by the AUM (Auburn University at Montgomery) Marketing Students, is a WebEx  recorded on April 17, 2012.  It shows how to  market your FACS  program and how FACS has evolved through the years to where it is today and where it is heading.  After watching the recorded WebEx, please complete the surveymonkey by following the link.  If you would like to receive one PD credit, please go to STIPD and enroll in sdect0128.

Marketing Your FACS Program by AUM Marketing Students, Host: AUM Seniors (Marketing Program), Instructor Jeff Bates

This information was provided by Judy Brown, Education Specialist, Alabama Department of Education, Career and Technical Education Section Family, Human Services, Hospitality and Tourism, and Education. Thank you Judy for this information.

Monday, April 9, 2012

ENC-Teacher Exchange

The ENC-Teacher Exchange is a new free online nutrition education sharing program available to FACS teachers.  When you join, you will have new information available to you each month about such subjects as nutrition, obesity, and etc.  This month, the site is featuring the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences 2011 teacher of the year, Sharon Baillie and a $300.00 honorarium is discussed in the article about how the ENC-Teacher Exchange progam works.

For more information concerning the ENC-Teacher Exchange and honorarium,   Please contact, ENC-Teacher Exchange member manager, Linda Tinoco at 708-974-3135 or E-mail Linda Tinoco.

Egg Facts

The Egg Nutrition Center is a Web site that contants information about egg nutrition, egg safety, egg trivia, specialty eggs, and links to other egg site.  You will find it to be very informative and a good resource.

2012 Alabama FCCLA STAR Events - Culinary Arts State Competition

This year the SDE recorded the FCCLA STAR Event - Culinary Arts Competition and placed it on YouTude.  The competition is a great way to showcase skills, leadership, professional dress and the high standards of the Hopsitality and Tourism programs throughout the State of Alabama.  The recorded Culinary Arts events may be used for teachable moments.  The videos could be used as a public relations tool for our programs as well.  The Family, Human Services, Hospitality and Tourism and Education Section of the State Department hope you enjoy watching the three areas of the competition Culinary Arts Competition Judge and Student Instruction, Culinary Arts Competition Prep and Cooking Begin, and Culinary Arts Competition Awards Ceremony.  Judy Brown, Education Specialist, at the Alabama Department of Education, Career and Technical Education Section provided the links for this competition.  Thank you Judy, Culinary teachers and students, judges and Culinard for all your hard work.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Quick and Easy Way to Make a Kaleidoscope Quilt Block

The quick and easy way to make a kaleidoscope quilt block shows the use computer software to create a kaleidoscope design and then finishes the quiliting square with a computerized sewing machine.

Quilting 101 Part 3

Quilting 101 part 3 demonstrates how to finish the quilt using a quilting guide, quilting grid, and bias tape.

Quilting 101 Part 2

Quilting 101 Part 2 demonstrates how to bring the front, batting, and back together.

Quilting 101 Part 1

Quilting 101 is a basic video that teaches a student how to put quilting squares together to form a quilt.

Hand Quilting Techniques for Beginners

The Hand Quilting Techniques video shows and discusses how to hold a quilting needle, rock the needle quilting technique, using a timble when quilting, hand quilting needles, and quilting with and without a frame.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Alabama Immingration Law Compliance Guidelines

Teachers before doing business with anyone in the US involving government money, you must be sure to comply with the new immigration law for Alabama.  This would also include students who will be participating in the FCCLA Star Events.  It could also be use as an instructional tool with your students, when teaching concepts dealing with entreprenurership and/or human resources within a business, since, it deals with the hiring and firing of employees.
Alabama Immigration Law Compliance Guidelines for contractors and vendors doing business with government agencies in Alabama.

Section 9 of Alabama Act No. 2011-535 entitled the “Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act” requires that, as a condition for the award of a contract to a business entity or employer that employs one or more employees working in Alabama, the business entity or employer must provide an affidavit and documentation of enrollment in the Federal E-Verify program. During the performance of the contract, the business entity or employer shall participate in the E-Verify program and shall verify every employee that is required to be verified according to the applicable federal rules and regulations. The attached Affidavit For Business Entity/Employer/Contractor and the entity’s E-Verify Memorandum of Understanding must be included with the bid or contract. If you do not believe these requirements are applicable to your entity, include an explanation justifying such exemption.

An entity can obtain the E-Verify Memorandum of Understanding upon completion in the E-Verify enrollment process located at the  
Federal  Web site or at the Alabama Department of Homeland Security  Web site. The Alabama Department of Homeland Security  has established an E-Verify employer agent account for any business entity or employer with 25 or fewer employees that will provide a participating business entity or employer with the required documentation of enrollment in the E-Verify program.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Education and Training Resources

Websites for the Education and Training Cluster

These are two websites Math Toybox  and  Patterns Blocks  which could be used to develop lessons about pattern blocks and exploring fractions and shapes using a computer.  The two sites are both Math games.  To access the Math Toy Box game page be sure to click on the Icon in the top left hand corner.  It should lead you to the games.
The Math activities at the  Kelly's kindergarten  site may be used by your students to teach math concepts to younger students.

The Smartboard Revolution  site shows how to use the document camera with the smart board.